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4 powerful benefits of de-cluttering your home

Written by Kellen 

De-cluttering your home means that you simply decide on the items you want to keep in it, get proper storage spaces for those items and then chose what to do with the items you do not want to keep which can be either to trash, sell or give away. It also involves making sure you have a proper system of handling rubbish around the house.

Organizing your home always comes with its own benefits such as;

Being able to pray in your home

I did not always take into consideration how much a well-organized home can have a positive impact on its occupants until I experienced the negative impact that came with living my bedroom in our family house untidy. One of the things I always wanted to do in there was to have personal prayer time with God yet the mess in the room always hindered me. Once I intentionally got it in order by storing neatly the things I chose to keep in that room and making sure the floor was not littered, then I even managed to create a special corner in the room that was designated for prayer! I think what used to stop me was the anxiety about how long it would take me to get rid of the untidiness in the room before could invite God in. I don’t always feel comfortable praying in a super disorganized place. Do you?

Time management

Since tidying up allows you to have a storage space for everything, you do not have to waste a lot of time looking for lost things in your house.

Saves you money

Getting your home organized lets you know of its capacity so you don’t have to impulse buy things you don’t even need at the moment because you already will know they do not have a space to be kept in. Also you do not end up buying new stuff just to replace stuff you already have but you just can’t find because they are lost in the mess.

You can be creative

In a well-organized space, it is easy to think up new ideas and see them through because you would not have visual reminders of clutter that drain your cognitive resources and reduce your ability to focus. In 2011, neuroscience researchers using fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) and other physiological measurements found clearing clutter from the home and work environment resulted in a better ability to focus and process information, as well as increased productivity.

Organizing and especially staying organized can be challenging but it is possible to get started and maintain it. You can do this through planning and scheduling your de-cluttering routine with the use of a Home organization planner such as the one I made. Get it here